Thursday, March 10, 2011

Emerging from the Quarantine

The Norris family appears (I don't want to say this too hastily) APPEARS to be emerging from our annual 4-6 week bout with the Chuck Norris Super-flu. This years variety was complete with a visit to the ER (for Cooper) and several consecutive weeks of mild fever along with a cough that doesn't quit and ceaseless streams of snot.

Chuck Norris Approved this Flu.

So, in the midst of our bout with the flu, we decided to list our house. It's on the market now and several people have come to look at it. And, when they came, we loaded our sick crew into the van (in other contexts "sick crew" might be something really cool) and went to sit in the store parking lot. We're discovering that it's hard to be patient and to wait for our house to sell. Hopefully we don't have to keep it spotless for too long... though we ARE learning to trust God more and more through it.

1 comment:

Josh Norris said...

Just wanted to let the record show that Corey went to ladies retreat and, the day she got back, she got sick. I'll keep the masses informed as it spreads through our household.