Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Kansas Fights Discrimination with Discrimination

Okay, so it's been a year since I last blogged... I tend to go in spurts, and this link (seen posted by my buddy Sharad on Facebook) was just the impetus I needed to throw up all over my computer:


I don't have the energy to be real verbose here, but this Kansas bill is, in my opinion, a perfect example of what is wrong with huge portions of Christianity (the religion) today. Disclaimer: I'm no legal expert, but here's how I read it: The bill, which just easily passed the Kansas state House of Representatives, essentially allows businesses or individuals, on the grounds of their beliefs "regarding sex or gender," to refuse to "Provide any services, accommodations, advantages, facilities, goods, or privileges; provide counseling, adoption, foster care and other social services; or provide employment or employment benefits, related to, or related to the celebration of, any marriage, domestic partnership, civil union or similar arrangement;"

The bill is being pushed under the guise of protecting people from being "persecuted for their religious beliefs", with it's backers citing a case where a New Mexico wedding photographer is being sued for refusing to photograph a gay wedding, but it is, in reality, attempting to fight discrimination with discrimination.

Based on the contents of the bill, and the makeup of the Kansas populace, I can only imagine the influence of the "Christian Right" on politics is to thank for this. That's messed up, but it's another subject. What this reveals to me is, as I mentioned, what is wrong with huge portions of American Christianity. 
  • They view themselves as victims....as people with rights, who shouldn't be "victimized" and who "won't stand for it" rather than those who love unconditionally and turn the other cheek.
  • They see non-Christians as threats or oppressors (or impediments to their peace and happiness) rather than eternal souls (I.e. People) to love and show Jesus to.
  • They view "sinners" (I put that in quotes because they don't see themselves as sinners, just others) as contaminants that must be avoided at all costs in order to avoid loss of purity (or more likely reputation) or to appear to condone such behavior.
  • They believe it's their job to prove their "wisdom" (their opinions on what is right), and to act as judge for God (despite Him saying not to), rather than actually listening to what He actually says (don't judge, suffer for others, love others, tell people the Good News of how Jesus has set them free, etc).
This is so frustrating because it is exactly what was wrong with Israel. (See the Pharisees, Jonah, and Jewish views on Samaritans for examples) and it's exactly what was condemned by Jesus. It's exactly what Jesus worked to reverse.... He loved the unlovable, broke down barriers, and allowed himself to be victimized all so that the world would see what God is like.

This all further supports my theory that the same tendencies have always, and likely always will, exist.... People tend to segregate, judge, condemn, all in an attempt to justify themselves... to try to convince others, and themselves, that they are lovable, valuable, and independent (in effect, good enough to accomplish their own salvation). 

I am going to force myself to stop... and not say anymore.... I just hope it's obvious to those of us trying to follow Jesus, that this kind of segregation and hatred is NOT an option.

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