What does a bathroom remodel have to do with the step going into my bedroom? Well, the bathroom remodel/plumbing revamp (replacing the old ga

lvanized pipe under the house) birthed a leak in the PEX pipe under the step going into our bedroom area. Long story short, I turned the water off, did my work, turned it back on and, a day or two later, found a large puddle in my crawlspace. I thought it was just a bad connection so I ran to the plumbing supply store, bought what I needed, came back and patched it up. Turned the water back on, still leaking... turns out it's coming from up higher....like above my floor! This is where my bad decision making led me to run a pair of lines up under the step, under the laminate floor, (which is on joists above concrete) and over to the other part of the house. In the first picture here you can see the discarded "tee" connections on the left, which I cut off after realizing they were leaking. The floor is partially dried in the above photo.
My bad decision was to put too much pressure on some pex fittings... they don't do well under pressure and began leaking when I turned the water on. SOOOOOOO.... we've been without water for the last 12 hours and I've torn out a rather nice (if I do say so myself) step, exposing a leaky mess... the water spread several feet, even getting my bedroom carpet wet.

I'm replaced that section of PEX with copper and put it all back together today. This picture shows the copper "manifolds" I soldered to fix the problem.